niedziela, 14 kwietnia 2013

Musical Downhill Mega Tour 2013

Welcome ladies and gents to Sunrise Avenue “Musical DownhillMega Tour 2013!” Well it’s actually just one show in Samnaun in Switzerland.The tricky thing is that we haven’t played a single traditional rock show forthe last 6 months and that means we all need to learn the songs again. I’mlistening to the shows from late 2012 and it’s the 4th song andalready my 5th “aaah, that’s how it goes…” We’ll see how lost we areon stage tomorrow. I heard the stage is somewhere 2,5 kilometers above the sealevel and it can be cold. We’ll after the winter we had this year in Finland,anything above zero will feel like a Caribbean Cruise. The best thing aboutthis trip is that some of us have our snowboards with us and we can enjoy theslopes a bit too.

No matter how super amazing the Big band Theory tour was, Imust admit I have been missing these versions. It’s “Sweet Symphony” on myheadphones right now and I didn’t remember the song is this good. I just hopeit’s not too cold tomorrow. Last time we played at a festival at an alpinecenter, it was minus 15 degrees Celsius and I broke one guitar and damaged mythroat. And the set tomorrow is 90 minutes long… We’ll see. I’ll fight ;)

The Big Band Theory Tour

What a trip and what a gang! Especially since we werehonestly very nervous about the crowd reaction and the feedback we’d get fromyou guys, the tour topped all expectations. I can’t describe how much fun itwas. And getting to know those fantastic new souls, Tero, Jay, Aleksi, Roope,Markus and Pete on the road was one of the highlights of the last years. A hugethank you to Tero once more for the fantastic arrangements on the horn section.The more I play with real front line musicians from outside the band, the moreI respect them. I love the fact that we’re doing these full acoustic and bigband etc. tours outside the “real” Sunrise Avenue tours. It feels like a holidayfrom the band life and the rock’n’roll duties. And it also gives a totallyfresh and new outfit to many of the songs. The only downside is that I have togo through the arrangements now for at least a dozen times to get my mind setto the original stuff again. But it was so much fun that none of us complainthe extra work. We even had to learn new versions for the HR3 Big Band sessionat the end of the BBT tour. That we managed in one day so this can’t bee toohard either. Thank you everybody at HR3 and the HR band, especially Mr. EdPartyka for the outstanding arrangement and devotion to the project. Quite atour ending ;) You can find the traditional results of the tour voting at theend of this blog. Seems to me that the same winners are there tour after tour…;)It was great everywhere, but only one can be the winner.

So we have this one show tomorrow in Switzerland and thennext week we finally head to Russia and Ukraine. Finally! We have booked manytrips and small tours to Russia in the past years but every single time someproblem appeared on the Russian side and the trips were cancelled. It’s veryannoying planning a one-week trip to some country and then you just end upsitting at home because the trip didn’t happen due to some business bull shit.Anyway. I guess this time we’re really going. We have even bought the flighttickets and booked the hotels and all ;) The Russian crowds have been extremelyloud and this is exactly what we’re expecting this time too. The trip toUkraine will be our first, so we‘ll get a new country to our band’s “played-there-list.”The 28th country if I counted right. Can’t wait! I heard Kiev is abeautiful city.

Unholy Ground

We don’t call our album Yellow Snow anymore. Now the baby’sname is UNHOLY GROUND. That is one of the songs that’ll definitely be on thealbum. It was a pretty soft acoustic thing in the beginning, but in studio itstarted rocking like moose (as we say in my country). I have a gut feeling thiswill be the final name too. We’ll see. The first things we’ve done together withUniversal regarding the next album and all have felt very goo and veryprofessional. It’s so nice to know some key folks from the Universal machinefrom the past.

I hope you all are enjoying the spring fully and hope to seeyou tomorrow on top of a mountain and next week closer to the ground level inRussia and Ukraine.

Thank you once more for the unforgettable moments on theBBTheory tour. We gotta do that again some day ;)

Hugs and love!!


Big Band Theory Tour Best Of Voting Results: The jury hasspoken.

Best Venue: Gasometer, Vienna (AUT)
Best Crowd: Akropolis, Prague (CZ)
Best Show: Tonhalle, Munich (DE)
Best Catering: Gasometer, Vienna (AUT)
Best Backstage: Del Atelier, Luxembourg, (LUX)
Best Rock and Roll Moment: Eh Nimittäin J-Kortehisto Experience(bad insider)

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